Thursday 18 October 2012

What steps could be taken to help make drugs more available to fight AIDS in Africa?

I need to know your opinion on how to get drugs to Africa to help stop or help AIDS. Please ans thanks!(:

Sod drugs, by then it’s to late. What’s needed is education programs and condoms, and that requires money. You want to help you lobby your congressman and demand an increase in specific areas of foreign aid.

Not just medicines for AIDS, but tuberculosis, vitamin A deficiency and childhood vaccines – a lot of information here.

The Abha Light Foundation is a Homeopathic organization that is actively curing AIDS in Africa without a lot of money… Cuba is also using Homeopathic formulations through the Findlay Institute to not only cure HIV/AIDS but also Malaria and other serious health problems.
Vaccination hasn’t been proven to work and just causes chronic illness.
The drug companies have been pushing suppressive drugs at a high cost — those drugs haven’t been proven to work, but they’re massively expensive and just not affordable.
Prevention is a key issue, but when the male population won’t use condoms there’s nothing that can be done. Throwing more money at the problem isn’t going to solve anything.
Most of the charitable organizations spend more money on advertising and executive salaries so that there’s virtually nothing left over.

Thenoseknows is a vile creature.

The Abha Light Foundation is NOT actively curing AIDS in Africa. Evidence for this claim please?

Homeopathic formulations are not curing malaria either. I’ve had malaria myself, it’s not pretty. Suggesting homeopathy can cure or prevent malaria is potentially putting lives at risk. In fact, some homeopaths have been taken to task for claiming Homeopathy is a substitute for anti-malaria medication.

Hell, even the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital are angry that some homeopaths are making false claims about malaria!

Vaccination HAS been shown to work and does not cause chronic illness.

1) Make a bunch of signs or leaflets (in local language/dialect) about what AIDS is and how it can be avoided.

2) Go to Africa and post them / hand them out.

3) Repeat at least once a year.

It’s a good question. I don’t think there is a simple answer, but let’s run with it.

1 – education on the real causes of AIDS, at least help stop the raping of virgins
2 – use of condoms for sex, thanks President Bush
3 – educate women and give them equal power as the men
4 – we really, really need a vaccine – the Gates Foundation are massively funding this
5 – a couple of good hangings of priests wouldn’t go amiss
6 – educate the kids
7 – improve health services in general, once the basics are in place such as condoms and education

Treatment alone isn’t the answer, a whole load of stuff needs doing first. A vaccine would be ideal.

Fight Aids

Last night I watched the special they had on HIV & AIDS in the black community and how it is out of control. It sadden and devastated me. I’m upset at how it has been somewhat ignored by the government and how we as blacks are somewhat oblivious to it. Other than protecting myself, what can I do to take a stand a fight for the cause to stop the rapid spread of the disease?
I want to thank everyone for commenting and answering. I have found an organization here in my city and state that I can volunteer my time to. Thanks again everyone!

Volunteer for an AIDS-related cause or church ministry. That would really help.

become a spokesperson in your community on awareness..people do listen when you show them the truth

Make other people aware that this is a very serious matter that should not be taken lightly

Make it known about places that offer free condoms like clinics and stuff. Even some schools have them!

Get as much publicity as possible for the cause, try and engage prominent black citizens to join the fight. Lobby as many black politicians as you can.
Hiv/Aids has no borders, sexuality or race.
Good luck.

Fight drugs. The efficacy of transmission of the virus is much greater through shared needles than through sex (see . Get involved with your local public school and volunteer your time to talk to kids. You should also spread awareness of treatments which prevent transmission from mother to child (during childbirth), etc – Finally, approach your local baptist church (or another church with primarily black congregation). They are bound to have resources and suggestions and will be happy for you to get involved.

Get involved with an advocacy group. Help hand out free condoms with information pamphlets. Remind your friends to get checked regularly (meaning every time they are with someone new) and to use protection. Get involved with the schools, push them to stop teaching just abstinance – talk to students about condoms, and MAKE THEM AVAILABLE.

Making AIDS ok to talk to about is the first step. So many different communities out there, but the one thing they all have in common is no one wants to talk about AIDS because no one wants to talk about sex. Personally I’d rather talk about sex with teenagers than talk to them after about abortions, adoptions, HIV or other STDs.

Educate anyone who will listen. Learn as much as you can about HIV and tell everyone that will listen what you have learned. Let everybody know that there is a crisis and that we all have to do something about it. Join an organization that helps to stop the spread of AIDS. If you are scientifically talented, or know someone who is, go to school for medicine and learn as much as you can about how it works and what can be done on a scientific basis to fight it. For some really “hard core” information (very advanced – meant for doctors and scientists) go to the Entrez Life Sciences Search Engine and type in “human immunodeficiency virus” in the search window and look at the articles. The good news is that the program last night has got the word out, so people like you will do something about it. For further information feel free to contact me – I study retroviruses, and HIV is one of them. You can also recruit people to volunteer for clinical trials of vaccines and medicines used to fight AIDS. There is a lot you can do, but you have done the most important thing of all and that is to start asking questions – lots of them!

Ok, first, I think your quest is noble to say the least. But please don’t make it the governments fault that the black community has the problem you speak of. Our government isn’t responsible for your decision to have unprotected sex or use illegal drugs. Unprotected sex and sharing needles for IV drug use are huge. So I would suggest you try and help educate your neighborhood on the precautions. Such as condoms, and only using a syringe for ones self and not using a “community” needle to get high. I’m not advocating illegal drug useage, but if your going to do it, take precautions, or better yet get clean.

I saw that also. Did you see Jesse Jackson. What a waste of time!!!!

TALK TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW ABOUT AIDS!!!! Do the research and speak out to those around you.

Look into civic groups in your community. If you go to church, bring it up with your church leader.

See what BLACK colleges are doing to address this issue and tell them you want to help.


What are some reasons I should because I want to make sure that the government isn’t just stealing my money. Thanks!

you do not have to if you don’t want to

There are so many worse disease than AIDS. Many more people die from disease such as cancer, heart disease, kidney ailments, etc. But for some reasoon AIDS is up on a pedestal. So it is overfunded while many people die from other lesser funded ailments.

At least you wil find it is calming effect no matter how little it is , you have made a natural choice, it is also good for your moral soul and the best part is you are giving a helping hand for everyone to follow

Heart disease and a lot of cancers are preventable if people make healthy lifestyle choices. Smoking and high fat foods are a lot the root causes for mortality. For example, heart attacks, hypertension, lung cancer and cancer of mouth, esophagus, bowel cancer, liver cancer etc etc etc. Other cancers while they may not be linked specific behaviours are able to be detected early due to screening processes that we are lucky enough to have available to us, e.g. breast screening, pap smears, prostate checks. While there is no cure for cancer, it is survivable and we have treatment options available to us. There is no cure for AIDS.

Also, a lot of children over there are born with AIDS. They often dont get the chance to live before their lives are taken away. So its nice for all of us to smoke, drink, eat crappy foods and generally live selfish lives and then have a cry when we are diagnosed with one of the above mentioned ailments but spare a thought for those children who dont make their own health choices, who are never given the chance and as a result live to their teenage lives, let alone adulthood.

Even if some of the money does go to governments, wouldnt you rather donate and half of it get taken by the government than donate nothing and have nothing go to the people who need it ?

Just my two cents

EDIT: With such multiculturalism and diversity i find it hard to accept that people use borders to identify people as their “own” and determine their charity based on invisible borders. I think the plan should be that if someone wants to help some innocent people then any help, no matter the country or ethnicity, should be encouraged.

What country do you live in? Am I the only one left that believes that if we have our own problems with disease and hunger, that maybe this money should be going to our country and not another country that doesn’t even care. Oh lets get money off the american people, they LOVE a good sob story. I am so sick of seeing these commercials and hearing programs where its just 10 cents a day to donate to a county where there are sick homeless children running around that needs help. I will NEVER ever send my money to another country when we have our OWN people that are dead every single day, because they couldnt get a hot meal or a place to sleep. It makes me sick. That was my two cents. I am sorry if it offends you.

Good question. Like are money are actually being use to help people or not?
“Oh, it’s for greater good!”
Tell that to Lord Vordemort and Harry Potter.
“Because it’s the right thing!”
Tell that to Obi-Wan.
“Have some compassion to your fellow humans!”
Tell that to terrorists, North Korea, and others on Earth.
“To stop the AIDS from spreading!”
Uh huh, tell that to people who’s ‘helping’ AIDS victims.
“To help African children!”
Oh yeah? What about OUR children? If we can’t take care of OUR children, then we’re no good.

I stopped donating money because most of the governments stuff it in their pockets. I donated $ 100.00 to Red Cross I do NOT have a lot of money, told them when I did donate please do not ask for more money, they arent asking they are begging. If you pay attention to where you money goes, cure this cure that, fee this kid feed that kid….nothing gets cured, the 3rd worlds just keeps having kids left and right, how can we possibly keep feeding all these kids? I don’t understand when I see on t.v. the mother with the kids, if she is so week, starving, sick, how does she carry a baby? AND I can’t imagine just giving birth over there, looking at another mouth to feed when my other child is sick and dying in the corner of the room. Why can’t they give the women birth control, the kind that last a year in the arm? Help them learn how to take care of themselves……then have kids. Sorry won’t fall for that anymore. AND for the bellringers, some are phonies, how am I suppose to know who is honst or not, easier to not give. THEN you get up to pay for your item at the register and would you like to donate money for this and that? Why should I give KMART money so THEY can donate it to their charity and write it OFF their taxes? It was OUR money….

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