Thursday 26 January 2012

Angel on baby's video monitor?

baby monitors summer<br />
This morning while my sixth month old napped I jumped on my elliptical as I am pregnant again and trying to stay healthy. We use a video monitor to watch our son when he sleeps. Well, his room is completely blacked out with two black out screens and blinds because he has a sleep disorder (bnsm) which is helped with zero light or sound stimulation while he sleeps.

I was busy jamming out to my iPod when I glanced down at his monitor are saw a huge glowing light beside his crib that kept moving in and out between the bars. Cascaded on his crib mattress where the bright light illuminates from is a large shadow that kind of resembles a person or figure standing there. So I went into his room and while looking at this bright light on the monitor, I see nothing. The figure is not standing beside his window, which is blacked out anyways but on the side of his crib that faces the center of his room. I left, and the glowing light stayed. I went back in two more times and stood right beside it, but there is zero light in his room. I even left the door open once and the light was unaffected by the hall light shining in. Right as my son started to wake, the light shone bright on the monitor and disappeared. I tried to recreate by messing with his blinds, reflections, etc but I cannot.

I took photos of the monitor on my camera but as soon as I started snapping it shied away…you can still se it and it’s shadow but not nearly as good as when it was at it’s brighter and fullest.

Do you think this was an angel? Has anyone experienced something similar?
Thank you…people. In the spiritual section are treating me like a crazy person. But I am just explaining what I saw…and I believe babies are closer to the other side because they are so fresh and innocent to this world

It could be. I’m a woman of faith, so I could believe it.

oh yes ….i offten see a halo over my child’s head but no one else sees it!

I always believed that angels watch over babies, especially soon after birth. My daughter (and other babies i know) used to just look up as looking at someone and she’d just laugh and get so excited. she’d be focused at this one spot and i just thought God ordained babies angels to protect them.

God is an awesome God and though you may be ridiculed, God acts in the most mysterious ways that we humans can’t even fathom, so we react with ridicule but be grateful… it’s a good thing.

Anything is possible.

Yes it’s happened to me several occasions. I was young when it first happened. I saw the light flutter around the crib my sister (who had passed away from SIDS when she was 6 months) slept in. And I always referred to it as the ‘light fairy’ because it came all the time in the dark for about 5 minutes and then suddenly vanish!

Then when I was walking down the hallway of my nan’s house the light fairy was swirling around near the ground and wouldn’t stop. I froze in shock and my nan has even told me that she saw an angel standing there in the place I saw it and again dressed in a white robe standing over her in bed.

I see angels and spirts, ghosts etc all the time. I think you just saw an angel too. :)

baby sound monitors<br />
best baby monitors


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